lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013


Hello bloggers!

In this practice we had to create a 4-column tab-sized document for a digital newspaper that contains three stories in order to "recreate" an original journalistic publication. 

With text that has been provided to us, we had to structure it and add some pictures. The idea was to make it as journalistic as possible, to look like a real publication.

Here I leave you my work and hope you like it.

Until next time!!

2 comentarios:

  1. I think you are great in this area! But this text design doesn't have any creativity! Don't worry is normal, because you live in Esplugas de Llobregat! Just a joke, sorry! I think the combination of colors are fantastic, this purples work very well!

    With love! Never change please!

  2. Enric don't think the ones from Montcada are cool because you are not. do you sleep on straw in Montcada? love and kisses
